Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Trip to Taiwan, Part 1: The dentist.

OK.. I had to justify my trip to Taiwan in a financial way to make myself happy. So, I figured I could get my teeth fixed. They were hurting and I needed them fixed. I know the dentistry in Taiwan is good and a lot cheaper than in the states... So...

I had two root canals, 4 crowns and a cavity filled in two weeks. 5 appointments in all and 3 of them were 3 hours long. Damn is the only word I can think of to describe it. I managed to stay away from pain meds, mostly. I have to say that Dr. Liu did an outstanding job. I can now eat without pain.

We got some better photos of the work being done, but they are on Zoe's camera.


Anonymous said...

just googled "dentist and taiwan" to come upon your blog! i am just travelling around Asia and am here in TW for a week. I actually need a crown for my root canal and wanted to have it done here - can you give me the contact info for dr. liu? how did you hear about his expertise?
thanks for any help!
crown-less :)

AhDoGa said...

He is near Taichung city. I will get you his info when I get home. I only have his email now. Send me a message to ahdoga at gmail.
See ya there.