Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mr. Noodle - New York Times

I read that the gentleman who invented Top Ramen died recently. There are several interesting reports on this event and stories of him seem truly inspired. Take this NY Times piece by Lawrence Downes:
Mr. Noodle - New York Times: "Ramen noodles have earned Mr. Ando an eternal place in the pantheon of human progress. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Give him ramen noodles, and you don’t have to teach him anything."
I loved this paragraph in particular:
"Ramen noodles, by contrast, are a dish of effortless purity. Like the egg, or tea, they attain a state of grace through a marriage with nothing but hot water. After three minutes in a yellow bath, the noodles soften. The pebbly peas and carrot chips turn practically lifelike. A near-weightless assemblage of plastic and foam is transformed into something any college student will recognize as food, for as little as 20 cents a serving".
That was almost poetic. I mean, I forget they were talking about instant ramen until the part about the college student's ability to recognize it as food.
Cleverly written Mr. Downes. Clever indeed.


Prince Roy said...

the world is certainly in his debt. Although I think the Koreans make the best instant noodles nowadays.

Hey where's your 'Five things you didn't know about me' post?

AhDoGa said...

I removed it after a week of sitting on my blog doing nothing but ticking me off.
Besides, I don't know 5 other bloggers to tag.