Sunday, March 19, 2006

Buddha Relic Exhibit.

Yesterday I went to see an exhibit of Buddha Relics.
Basically, Buddhist teachers (Lamas and such) are cremated when they pass away. Some of them leave behind remnants other than just ash.. Each teacher's remnants look different. Some are like jade and some like black pearl, etc. etc..
Anyway, it was very interesting. You could definitely feel the energy of the people there and the qi from the stones (relics) was almost palatable.
Also, something really cute happened. We were seated, waiting for the line to shrink, and a little girl about 2-3 years old started pointing toward the display area and pulling on her mom's arm and yelled: "Mommy, Buddha is here!! Buddha... Here is Buddha mommy!!!".
So cute. I went with my Qi Gong teacher. We had a good day.
Too bad, Zoe left that morning for France and was not able to join us. I bought some post cards with photos of the relics for her.
I will send them out soon.

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