Sunday, November 23, 2008

Facebook hell

Well, I signed up for facebook at the urging of a friend a while back and now I have several friends. And with that, I get a constant stream of emails asking me to compare my friends or become a knight in a friend's realm or send them some karma points. Wow, when do these people sleep? I mean, WTF? I work, workout, spend time with my wife, mom, sisters, practice some programming, then I get to watch a show or listen to an audio book and by that time I only have a few hours to sleep.. I am not even counting in chores like dishes, shopping and taking out the trash!.
What ever happened to good old fashioned email? I mean, it's sad to think that email was a more personal and intimate form of communication than the norm.
I miss it. I wonder if there was ever a more personal form of bonding than email?
I seem to remember a day when I actually got together with friends for pizza and beer. Or, was that just a facebook game I played?
There is a bright side to facebook, however. A couple long lost friends, that I have not seen in a long long time, tracked me down on fb. I now know if they are married, have kids, what kind of music they are listening to and how they are doing in mob wars.
I may even get an email from one of them some day. Well, at least they posted photos.


Prince Roy said...

I'm in Facebook, too. Look for me under "Prince Roy". Friend me, baby!

Anonymous said...

OMG WTF LOL STFU GTFOH How can you get more personal than this? Dude update your teaching schedule for gods sakes. Cane class was when? We are now? Chi Gong on last Sunday of month? Lack of interest?
Hope you are well. Chi Gong for sciatica? Recommendations?

AhDoGa said...

That's on Dave's website. I have no control over it. He knows my schedule.