Monday, December 08, 2014

I'm not saying this person is 100% correct. But, this is a conversation we should all be having about the nature of charitable organizations and how they raise money. Think about it and please post your comments.

Monday, June 09, 2014

This is can interesting subject.  Just how much harm are WE all doing to the oceans?  Are we doing anything significant to change?  Are we trying sincerely to fix the problem?  Does it need fixing? 
Read more at the link above.

Thursday, June 05, 2014

OK, I was reading a story about "themed weddings".  The wedding being discussed was a "Harry Potter" themed wedding.
See Story Here
I've said it before, I think it gives a false sense of what marriage is to wrap it in too much fantasy and fairytale.  Marriage is not a destination, it won't solve any problems.  And wasting tons of money on setting your marriage expectations on the day of your wedding is potentially thwart with peril.  If you expect that your marriage means you will be carried away by your true love, to live happily ever after, you will be disappointed.  Marriage is only a fairy tale if you thing the beginning of Cinderella.  Work, work, work.  Like so many things in life, it's about delayed gratification.  You have to work together, through thick and thin to build a life together.  It's tough work, at times.  But it pays off for those who are willing to put in the time.  Having fairy tale expectations about marriage can often lead to extreme disappointment and divorce.  I've seen it with friends.  I feel lucky to have had parents who told me what to expect. 
My advice is to budget your wedding to fit with the reality of your life.  A house, car, education and healthcare are all more important places to put your money.  Tone down your weddings and realize what you're getting into.  Expect hard work and appreciate when it pays off.  Please.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

OK.. So, I am planning to start writing again.  Stay tuned.  I will be posting soon.